Pathway to well-being
We all experience times of stress, anxiety and insecurity. During these challenging times as a skilled and compassionate ally, I can support you with the tools and strategies to move forward with clarity and increased empowerment.
I offer deep listening, respect, gentle guidance and a truly safe place in which to explore any areas of your life that are overwhelming, confusing, challenging or painful.
Counselling for anxiety:
If you are experiencing stress and anxiety, you are not alone. Many people are feeling overwhelmed by the events in the world and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Living with this constant flood of stress hormones can be exhausting.
We all need healthy and effective coping strategies while developing resilience and capacity to meet life’s challenges. With enough stability, we can uncover our past conditioning which fuels more suffering and then work towards transforming outmoded beliefs.
Normalizing anxiety is the first step…humans are mammals wired for threat and clearly there are plenty of reasons to feel threatened. With awareness and practice, healing and empowerment is possible.
Counselling for depression:
Have you ever noticed that your ability to avoid pain is short-lived and inevitably the feelings return with more intensity? Although trying to avoid the distress is understandable, it typically leads to more suffering. By discovering the cause of depression, new possibilities become available.
Would you like to develop the capacity to be with your pain or discomfort with acceptance, curiosity and mindful self-compassion?
Most people live with a harsh inner critic unconsciously compounding life’s challenges and stress. By becoming aware of your core beliefs that are sabotaging your best efforts, you can experience more choice. With practice, it is possible to transform your inner critic into an inner best friend, based on kind encouragement and self-compassion.
Counselling to understand and improve your relationships:
If you are bewildered with why you get so easily triggered by others, there are ways to understand what is really going on, and to uncover the root of your reactions. Rather than being stuck in these painful patterns, we can transform them into opportunities for growth and healing. Would you like to understand your reactivity and ultimately discover more choice and empowerment?
I look forward to meeting you and working together